So, We Bought an RV

Want to hear something crazy? This is our new house.

My name is Scott. My wife, Kelly, and our kids, Charlie and Brytan (read more about us here), have decided to take the plunge. After years of thinking about it and putting it off for “someday”, we finally decided that now is the time for us to start living life a little differently.  (Note: you can read our announcement on Facebook to our friends and family.)

We are moving into our new fifth wheel trailer and travelling the country for about a year or so. We don’t have many plans laid out and, with few exceptions, are making this up as we go. We’re going to have a blast, make some mistakes, get on each other’s nerves and become closer as a family than we could have ever imagined.

If you follow us on our blog or Facebook page, you’ll see for yourself just how crazy we really are. Or maybe you’ll instead see how normal we are and find some encouragement to do whatever that thing is that you’ve been putting off for “someday.”

Someday is now.

