Our stay in Vegas was fantastic! We did a lot of walking and saw so many amazing things. The first Sunday in Vegas we attended Praise Tabernacle and it was very nice. When we drove up the building was rather impressive and had multiple buildings including a building specifically for Sunday School. We also noticed that there […]
Author: Kelly

Weeks 23-25: Canyons, Trains and Family
Our second week in Needles was rather uneventful. The weather was super hot for this time of year so we stayed home, either in the AC or in the pool. Finally on Saturday the 15th we made the drive to Williams, AZ — a quaint little town on Historic Route 66. We all agreed that […]

Weeks 15 through 22: We Declare Blog Bankruptcy
I have to begin by apologizing for being absent for a while! The last few months we have been moving more often and I have gotten so far behind that I am going to call this post my “catch up” post! I am going to catch you up and then commit to posting on a […]

Week 14 – Gulf Shores with Larsons
When we decided to take this trip, one of the things we most looked forward to was having visitors! On Thursday, my parents and my sister, Katie, came into town! We had planned to meet in Gulf Shores, AL, but the RV Resort that we chose was about 6 miles north of that in Foley, […]

Week 13: A Week of Firsts at Disney
This was a week we had really been waiting for. After hanging out in Florida for two months we were finally going on a vacation, and it was at Disney World! When we arrived in Orlando, we weren’t quite sure how the whole vacation was going to work because pulling a 40 foot trailer tends […]

Weeks 11 and 12: Birthdays, Mermaids and a Visitor
Life is about moments. Moments that knock your socks off, moments that make you grateful for all that you have, moments that make you cry tears of joy, and moments that make you quietly smile and the last two weeks have been full of a plethora of these moments. The week started off with my […]

Week 8: Happy New Year and Moving On
I can’t believe another week has come and gone! This past week was a hot one with temperatures soaring into the high 80’s. Everyone around here is telling us that this has been the warmest winter Florida has seen in years, and we are OK with that! To beat the heat, we spent time everyday […]

Week 6: Christmas Parties with Mickey and Wekiva
Merry Christmas! Our week started off in perfect fashion, at Disney World. Since we have such little space in the trailer we decided to treat the kids to Mickey’s Very Merry Christmas Party as part of their Christmas gifts this year. The park closes early, but, with special tickets, the event starts at 7pm. When […]

Week 5: Baking, Swimming, Painting and Pops
This week has been one big countdown! The kids were so excited to go to Mickey’s Very Merry Christmas Party at Disney World this coming Sunday, and each day this week was another number to cross off. Sunday morning we attended church at The Pentecostals of Apopka and it was wonderful! The people were very friendly, […]

Week 3: A Lowcountry Thanksgiving
This week has been so much fun. I am so excited to tell you all about it! Sunday morning started off gloomy and cold — it almost felt like we were back in Wisconsin. I had researched and found a church to visit near Savannah and the kids were excited to go to Sunday School. […]